"In 2011, Jagriti took core steps in changing the face of education for slum children. No child deserves to study in shabby uniforms, unhygienic schools and poor guidance."In 2001, Gujarat saw one of the worst Earthquakes in the history of mankind. Our founder, Mr. Jaikishan Jajoo was just as devastated, sitting 550 miles away from the epicentre. He motivated his peers in Jaipur to come together and help the people of Bhuj (the epicentre). Soon, they shipped ten trucks across the state with necessities, food and relief packets. Their aid reached the victims right after the Swiss aid. That's when they realised even a small group with good intentions can move mountains.Mr. Jajoo began to find various other domains where urban Jaipur needed help – garbage dumps, healthcare and green initiatives. After trying to change the mindset of slum communities, he saw that lack of good education was the foundation of all their issues. Breaking blind beliefs was the biggest challenge.In 2011, Jagriti took core steps in changing the face of education for slum children. No child deserves to study in shabby uniform, unhygienic school and poor guidance, a harsh reality of most government schools in urban areas.Jagriti has taken up the situation in its own hands to bring change.