Ismet Ekici

İş Geliştirme Uzmanı at LuckyEye - , Istanbul, Turkey

Ismet Ekici's Contact Details
(262) 341-4272
Ismet Ekici's Company Details
LuckyEye logo, LuckyEye contact details


, Istanbul, Turkey • 28 Employees
Marketing & Advertising

LuckyEye is one of the leading digital agencies in Turkey delivering innovative solutions since 1999. We have successfully fınalized hundreds of projects using web based technologies, internet, intranet and mobile platforms for businesses in Turkey and Europe.We're an agency for the digital world. We believe that our heritage has allowed us to utilize technology and creative expression, giving our clients something that they simply can't succeed without: the ability to quickly and confidently adapt to ever-changing conditions. We want to travel faster. Work faster. Communicate and connect faster. We're a society thinking on speed, because we're a society living on technology. It's our collective accelerator. As technology moves, we move. But the same technology that fulfills our need for speed also poses our biggest challenge. Because technology doesn't just increase the speed at which we move, it increases the speed at which change moves.Throughout our history, we have demonstrated different type of companies in different markets that success doesn't rely solely on how you manage your business, but also, on how you manage changes that affect your business. Now it is more important than ever.Our long-term relationships with clients are testimony to the quality of service, support and output they receive. Our client services mantra is "good is never enough" and our team is focused on exceeding client and stakeholder expectations in terms of quality of execution.

Details about LuckyEye
Frequently Asked Questions about Ismet Ekici
Ismet Ekici currently works for LuckyEye.
Ismet Ekici's role at LuckyEye is İş Geliştirme Uzmanı.
Ismet Ekici's email address is *** To view Ismet Ekici's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ismet Ekici works in the Marketing & Advertising industry.
Ismet Ekici's colleagues at LuckyEye are Bora Arman, Hakan Sari, Orkun Coskun, Alpay Karakurt, Aygen Ergen, Tolga Artan, Gokhan Hayirsever and others.
Ismet Ekici's phone number is (262) 341-4272
See more information about Ismet Ekici