Non-Profit Organization that promotes islands' sustainable development. • Our vision: The balanced economic, social, environmental and cultural development of Greek Islands, paying special attention to the unique natural and cultural environment. • Our goal: To provide Greek islands with access to programmes, projects and activities supported by local, national and EU funds and thus create the necessary economies of scale and strengthen the trust among islands. • Our core values: 1. Providing dedicated support to island local and regional authorities. 2. Continuously empowering local citizens in the decision-making processes with regards to the crafting of the local development path. 3. Offering interdisciplinary and robust scientific solutions. • Our objectives: 1. To empower islands' local societies and authorities to make decision-making around key topics such as local economic development, environmental protection and preservation of cultural heritage more participatory. 2. To put forward integrated, innovative and smart solutions in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency, sustainable transport and mobility, sustainable waste and water management. 3. To leverage financing from EU programmes to the benefit of island-members of the Network. 4. Το promote investment schemes and governance practices that foster innovation and social inclusion. 5. To preserve and protect islands' natural environment, which represents a key economic resource at local and national level. 6. To support quality tourism and alternative tourism. 7. To participate in international organizations that enable the sharing of experience and knowledge exchange. • Our mission: To establish a long-term relationship with our member-islands, built on trust and the will to collectively develop smart and integrated solutions for islands' sustainable development. Email address: