Isroyati Isroyati

System Development at MEDCO AGRO - Jakarta Special Capital Region, , Indonesia

Isroyati Isroyati's Contact Details
["( 021) 29951699","(+62) 812 4545 1212","(+62-761) 698 99 99","+62 21 7828858","+62 21 780 4503","+62-22-7314626","021-29951625","08523 1234 000","081248856822","0986 - 2702023","021 63861282","+62 21 782 8858","+62 21 29951699","+62 21 780 4649","(0721)269801"]
Isroyati Isroyati's Company Details
MEDCO AGRO logo, MEDCO AGRO contact details


Jakarta Special Capital Region, , Indonesia • 5001 - 10000 Employees

Medco Agro adalah sebutan Sub Holding Medco Group untuk bidang usaha Agribisnis, perusahaannya bernama PT Api Metra Palma (AMP). Perusahaan ini berdiri pada tahun 2005. Aktivitas usaha AMP sebelumnya telah dimulai oleh anak usahanya, yaitu PT Meta Epsi Agro sejak tahun 1993.Saat ini AMP mempekerjakan sekitar 3.000 orang di seluruh Indonesia, termasuk tenaga kerja buruh. Sedangkan cakupan wilayah operasi AMP berada di Kalimantan Tengah, Papua Barat, Lampung, Bengkulu, dan Sumatera Utara. Pada tahun 2007 AMP mulai menjadi operating holding company melalui perdagangan minyak sawit mentah atau crude palmoil (CPO). Seluruh hasil produksi anak-anak perusahaan dibeli oleh AMP dan dijual kepada end user.

Details about MEDCO AGRO
Frequently Asked Questions about Isroyati Isroyati
Isroyati Isroyati currently works for MEDCO AGRO.
Isroyati Isroyati's role at MEDCO AGRO is System Development.
Isroyati Isroyati's email address is *** To view Isroyati Isroyati's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Isroyati Isroyati works in the Farming industry.
Isroyati Isroyati's colleagues at MEDCO AGRO are Delzi Armiza, Ismanto Aja, Molies Tutien, Anisa Ayuningtyas, Adi Prasetyo, Lidya Wahyuni, Benedictus Ardhi and others.
Isroyati Isroyati's phone number is ["( 021) 29951699","(+62) 812 4545 1212","(+62-761) 698 99 99","+62 21 7828858","+62 21 780 4503","+62-22-7314626","021-29951625","08523 1234 000","081248856822","0986 - 2702023","021 63861282","+62 21 782 8858","+62 21 29951699","+62 21 780 4649","(0721)269801"]
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