An Australian public sector specialist researcher with over 15 years of experience in bridging the public and private sector ICT markets.Our differentiation lies in our strong relationships with senior government decision makers, our deep knowledge of the Australian public sector market and the wealth of federal state ICT data in our repository. We are trusted by our government clients to be independent and unbiased.Government and Industry clients alike have benefited in their understanding of the Australian Federal and State government ICT markets through the use of our online products, specialist consultancy services, events and training courses.Intermedium's Market Awareness, Market Analysis, Procurement Leads and Consultancy Services assist at every stage of the government / industry engagement cycle.Clients find the information they need quickly through intuitive and easy to use online tools which are constantly updated and thoroughly quality assured.To talk about the product or package that would best suit your organisation’s needs, please email or phone us on (02) 9955 9896.