Founder, Record Producer & Sound Manager at NEW VOICE STUDIO - Pardes Hanna-Karkur, Haifa District, Israel
Welcome to the New Voice Studios. Way back in 2008, NVS was started in a little house in southern Israel. The visionary responsible for this was Itay Azulay, sound engineering graduate and rabid audiophile. The studio started out producing radio jingles, but pretty soon branched out to recording for businesses, marketing videos, musicians, and more.Fast-forward ten years. We've moved north, and the studio's new home is Pardes Hanna-Karkur. Today NVS focuses on providing voiceover for businesses. One of Israel's most seasoned studios, we've racked up serious mileage in voice and switchboard recording. We employ the finest voice talents, and collaborate daily with the best providers of switchboards and telephony for business.We believe in our final product, and above all in our service. The service we provide is personal, patient, and unpretentious. We just can't help it. :) Aside from creating a professional, successful recordings, we want our clients to feel all of their needs are met. We'll always do our best to help you, because we want you to be satisfied, always.Glad you came. Do stay.Yours,New Voice Studios