ChemExpert is a group of experienced, professional experts in the areas of chemical safety and international chemical legislation. The group was founded and is managed by Ms. Vered Giat, a consultant with over 20 years of occupational experience in both public and private sectors.ChemExpert specializes in consulting and advisory services in a variety of fields, such as: chemical safety, chemical management and regulation, hazardous waste and hazardous substances. We offer consulting services to traditional industrial corporations, start-up initiatives, biotech companies, private enterprises and other companies who seek to set their business in motion.Our services include: • Classification of mixtures and substances to comply with international GHS requirements such as the CLP regulation• Authoring of GHS Safety Data Sheet (SDS) in compliance with the appropriate country's regulations• Risk assessment and EHS (Environment, Health and Safety) review of substances / mixtures while using chemicals in the workplace and in innovative industrial processes• On-going and continuous support for start-up companies and industrial companies• Classification, definition and characterization of industrial waste streams• Professional opinion regarding: Chemical safety, chemical regulation, waste definition and classification. • Consultation on the import / export of chemicals and acquisition processes for chemicals in Israel• Support for exporters of chemicals / substances and exporters of articles – compliance with the regulations of the destination country, including content assessment of hazardous Contact info for business