We are a Bulgarian copper ore mining and processing company operating Assarel deposit located near the town of Panagyurishte. The mining results we currently accomplish in the era of new technologies were inconceivable more than a half a century ago when we started our journey. Today, we efficiently process low grade ores of 0.27 % copper grade achieving a recovery higher than 92%. This has become possible thanks to our investments of 1.3 billion BGN spent in innovations, state-of-the-art equipment and environmental protection, occupational health and safety, energy efficiency and human capital development projects. Currently, our team unites more than 1,200 workers and specialists and 1,100 people employed in our affiliates and subsidiaries. Our business creates another 6,400 jobs in other supporting operations. As a company, we are proud that Assarel-Medet JSC contributes to our region's development and prosperity. Our investments in tourism, donation for the museum treasure hall which hosts the Golden Treasure of Panagyurishte, public-private partnerships for the Arena Assarel sports hall and Uni Hospital General Medical Treatment Facility in Panagyurishte have a long-term added value. Copper demand for the green economy and technologies of the future will continue creating new opportunities for the Bulgarian economy and will set the pace of our long-term sustainable development in the decades to come. Ние сме българска компания за добив и преработка на медни руди от находище „Асарел" край Панагюрище. Резултатите, които постигаме в ерата на новите технологии в минното дело, са били немислими в началото на нашия път преди повече от половин век. Днес ефективно преработваме бедни руди със средно съдържание на мед от 0,27 % при извличане от над 92%. Зад това стоят нашите инвестиции от 1,3 млрд. лева, вложени в иновации, модерна техника и проекти за опазване на околната среда, здраве и безопасност при работа, енергийна ефективност и развитие на човешкия капитал.