We are a company with a clear international focus. It is composed of staff with extensive experience in the Railway Area.Our team is specialized in the assembly and maintenance of railway electrification systems. We have carried out projects worldwide and have covered all types of catenary (OLE) systems: high speed, conventional rail, tram, trolleybus, cogwheel railway, third rail as well as traction substations.Main projects:-Installation of catenary for Electric Trucks (Test Project) on Highway A5 near Frankfurt (Germany); (www.siemens.de); https://sie.ag/2O3SClX; video https://bit.ly/2u45ZJI) ; ELISA eHighway (>10km OCS). Oct18-Dec18-Renewal of catenary, Regulation & Adjustment close to Ulm (Germany); (www.spitzke.de)(>25km Re100 OCS). Oct18-Dec18-Electrification of catenary at Hbf. Leipzig (Germany) and others; (www.strabag.de); (>50km Re100 OCS). Jul18-Dec18-Regulation & Adjustment of catenary at Oranienburg (Germany); (www.spitzke.de)(>5km Re100 OCS). Sep18- Renewal of catenary between Schwerin&Wismar (Germany); (www.spitzke.de)(>20km Re100 OCS). May2018-Aug2018-Tunnel Finca Adoc FGV Alicante; (www.fccco.com ; www.grupocivica.es). (3,2 km rigid catenary). Jan18-Mar19.-Bremen Harbour Imsumer Deich extension at Bremerhaven (www.bremenports.de ; www.powerlinesgroup.com ) (12 km OCS Re100 Deutsche Bahn) Apr17-Nov17.-Second track at Stenkumla-Dunsjö (www.trafikverket.se ; www.powerlinesgroup.com ). (>2 km HS OCS). Jun16-Oct16.-Tram of Mainz extension (www.mvg-mainzelbahn.de ; www.powerlinesgroup.com ) (>11 km OCS). Feb16-Dic16.-Renewal of third rail at S-Bahn Birkenwerder (www.deutschebahn.com ; www.powerlinesgroup.com ) (2 km dritte schiene). Jul15-Aug15.-Midland Mainline project at UK (www.powerlinesgroup.com; www.networkrail.co.uk ). Mar15-Sep15.-Maintenance of Electrification at Trams of Parla (Madrid), Murcia and Alicante (www.globalvia.com ; www.matinsa.es ; www.comsa.com; www.tramalicante.es ) (>120 km OCS, 3 railway substations).SinceMar15