Financial and Administrative Manager at Capital Asset Management Partners - , , Serbia
C.A.M. Partners is corporate finance boutique specializing in advisory services, mergers and acquisitions, business development, fund raising and valuations related to the Balkan region. Our core competences are our special understanding of all aspects of corporate finance, including skills in raising equity and bank finance, the sale and acquisition of private companies and business development deals between parties with very different cultural backgrounds. From 2015 we are active in IT sector via our software solution for transaction payment - SuperPay. Since SuperPay launch and its immediate success, we are focused strongly on developing new software and are proud to execute several projects for our customers. We expect further expanding in IT sector in future.Our team has worked in a wide variety of projects in sectors including banking, retail, food & beverages, oil&gas, renewable energies and real estate. We possess a good understanding of different cultural environments and business practices. Our working languages include English, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin and native Serbian.