Community Manager at tershouse - Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Based in the heart of Sarajevo we offer everything that different generations expect from the work environment. No matter if you're looking for 24/7 coworking, event space, high-speed internet, or even custom-made software solutions for your business, tershouse is there for you!Come visit us, book your spot and become a part of the biggest coworking community in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Don't forget to be a ters! Nalazimo se u srcu Sarajeva, "industrial mahali'' na Pofalićima, te nudimo sve ono što različite generacije očekuju od radnog okruženja. Ukoliko trebate 24/7 coworking, event prostor, ultra brzi internet ili softverska rješenja po mjeri za Vaš biznis; tershouse je tu za Vas. Posjeti nas, rezerviši svoje mjesto, te postani dio najvećeg i najboljeg community-a u Bosni i Hercegovini. Ne zaboravi, #buditers!