M: (0031) 0681413170 mail. info@ivonnevandis.nlIn my company I coach executives and business owners who have lost their connection with their company, where worries predominate and entrepreneurial pleasure is gone.With the intuitive business scan, business reading, insights come from a different place then usual, in order to experience more impact and meaning in your life and in your company.It is not about whether you believe in intuition, more important is to get a new experience that makes you realize that what you have always believed is no longer true."Are you aware that coaching can help you to grow, but does that feel too uncomfortable and you therefore tolerate that you lack time, peace and balance" because that's the way it is? "For more than 30 years I have been curious how I can continue to develop myself, spiritually and professionally. In 2009 I decided to make this my profession and also help others to grow. After training at the JJ Trainers Academy and the 4-year Intuitive Development course, I am a certified trainer / coach and business reader, specialized in Personal Leadership.