FROEBEL offers families and children early learning services with a commitment to bilingual education, inquiry-based early STEM exploration and well-designed, inspiring learning environments. The not-for-profit organisation is operating early learing centres in Sydney and Melbourne, collaborating with its parent organisation in Berlin.We are guided by the ideas of Friedrich Fröbel, renowned as the founder of the kindergarten concept, a pioneer of progressive education, a victim of political persecution, a life-long fighter for children's right to have access to education and a protected family life. His educational goal was to raise responsible citizens through a holistic approach to fostering children's development in partnership with their parents.VISIONWe want every child to have the opportunity to grow into a curious, capable, caring and contributing global citizen, beginning with an empowered childhood.MISSIONAt FROEBEL, we contribute to this vision by promoting children's rights to self-determination and participation, recognising the integrity of childhood in its own right. We scaffold children's learning by providing contemporary bilingual, play- and inquiry-based early education, tailored to the individual child, as the foundation for sustainable community engagement within a connected world. Our educators transform children's curiosity into learning - with knowledge, professionalism and vigour. We are part of the village that raises a child, and nurture collaborative relationships.VALUESEmbrace Excellence | Nurture Relationships | Spread Positivity | Deliver Wow | Reimagine Early Education