Hi - We're Sidekick Innovation. We're facilitators. We facilitate design sprints and important team gatherings like board retreats, visioning and strategic planning. We also train leaders to use our unique facilitation style to lead their own teams to get unstuck, adopt change, innovate and transform together. We love it because we believe innovation is a team sport; and people care about what they help to create. We're for leaders who know that business progress starts with developing your team and priming them to work together. Let's connect. hello@sidekickinnovation.comAnd if you're looking for Additional Resources...FREE RESOURCES FOR BUSINESS LEADERSMAKE EVERY MEETING MATTERhttps://sidekickinnovation.com/meetings99.99% of people we've polled never had a class on how to run a meeting; yet, many of us are called to lead high stakes visioning and decision making gatherings everyday. Design Your Meetings Like A Pro Sidekick Facilitator, with our 32-page guide. It includes checklists to guide your design and 3 Bonus exercises you can do RIGHT NOW to help your team to work better together. The SIDEKICK SPRINThttps://sidekickinnovation.com/sidekicksprintThe fastest way to bring your team together, is to get them to solve a challenge together but most companies can't take a full week off work. Learn the model we've perfected with clients - 4 meetings are all you need to drive positive change. There's only 1 Sidekick Sprint - Get the guide. KEY PHRASES FOR CREATIVE LEADERShttps://sidekickinnovation.com/key-phrases-for-creative-leadersWhat if everyone on your team knew what to say to activate their creative potential? Learn the phrases. Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZN0SOSjJTXESWEUAAwaFfQSee More About Us at SidekickInnovation.com