Key Account Manager | Customer Success Manager at SciNote - Electronic Lab Notebook - Middleton, WI, us
SciNote is a top-rated platform for researchers in academia or industry, who need electronic lab notebook, inventory management and project management functionalities 📋 It is trusted by FDA and more than 70k scientists.Where it thrives?- SciNote helps you organize your scientific data + safely stores it in 1 place, manage your team and experiments,- suitable for Labs of any size,- guarantee full traceability with time stamps and Electronic Signatures,- CFR 21 /11 compliant! Who is it for? - R&D Startups: that want to set up a paperless lab and wish to run it efficiently- CROs and CMOs: that have to organize lab work across teams, locations and projects- Academics: that need more storage space and extra security for their dataIncluding world's Top Research Institutes such as: Imperial College London, Seattle University, The University of Memphis, National Institutes of Health ... and many others. Interested in SciNote? Find your plan! -->