Winning Edge CrapsAt Winning Edge Craps players and would-be players learn the game of Casino Craps - how to play the game, how to bet, and how to improve your money management in order to win at Craps. You learn on regulation 14' tables, in simulated games with instructors who have over 20 years experience playing Craps. Those of you who want to become advanatge players and learn precision shooting techniques will receive advanced individual instruction, unlimited practice time and play under game conditions to greatly improve your skill and confidence that you can win at Casino Craps. Become an Advantage Player with the Winning Edge at the game of CrapsFor Beginners. We offer Classes on how to play craps, optimal betting strategies and practice sessions (including simulated games) for $149.Beginners may upgrade to Advantage Classes with full credit for payments previously made for Beginner Classes