From its facilities in Redován (Alicante), Iris Cristal, a companyrecognized in the world of lighting for its presence and longinternational history, leads a group of companies also formed by DuhaKrystal Bohemia, our division dedicated to the manufacture of glasscomponents of Bohemia for lamps and Ecolux Lighting specialized inLed products since 2010.Our experience and international solidity make ECOLUX a leadingcompany in the world of lighting.Ecolux Lighting has experienced great growth nationwide in recentyears. This growth is the result of intense research work to offer designand the best quality together with excellent service.Our catalog is constantly renewed with new releases and our productsare present in emblematic buildings and facilities around the world,especially in those who want to have high quality lighting solutions,durability, technology and design.Ecolux products have always stood out in the market for their qualityat a fair price and their good service. Proof of this is the loyalty of itsclients in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and the Middle East.We have our own technical service, equipped with a laboratory whereyou can develop and research any item before putting it on the market.We have an engineering department that our clients can consult to carry out any lighting study.