Fitness360 is a Personal Training company dedicated to helping you achieve your health and fitness goals. Through S.M.A.R.T goal setting proven to maximise your results, with fun yet challenging personalised workouts all designed to meet you ability and training needs, my mission is to work with you to exceed the limits you though you could meet. My core value is Consistency over times beats short term Perfection. What do I mean by that? Well, you could have the perfect diet and training programme written for you, but if if doesn't work with your work/life balance, abilities etc then you are unlikely to stick to it for more than a couple of weeks....don't believe me, how many New Years resolutioners do you see 7 days a week in January and not at all come February. But if a less than perfect plan for both diet and training can be stuck too more consistently over a longer period of time, the results you want will come. I focus on providing a plan that works for you. Fits in to your lifestyle, by putting into place core habits that changes the way you approach your health and fitness.