Our Name: Through our services, we allow students to have a greater selection of choices to freely choose from; hence, ChoiceFreeOur Brand: Dependable = Professional + Attentive + PassionateOur Demand: Better understand foreigners than most Chinese and better understand Chinese than most foreignersOur Product: We carefully select from the best resources global wide, to personalize a program that will fit our customers' needsOur Service: To provide a tangible and systematic education service Our Price: Four star pricing but five star service Our Goal: To help students succeed in applying study-abroad and to help them have a prosperous experience while studying abroadOur Vision: To become our clients' most dependable mentors and supporters as we help them grow – let the world meet a better you 择由教育ChoiceFree是一家源自于上海,由一群拥有丰富经验和教育情怀的留学行业高管创立,提供留学定制服务的教育机构。用比中国人更懂外国人,比外国人更懂中国人的行业经历和管理能力,致力于成为广大留学生成长和发展可信赖的助力者和陪伴者。 为实现"诚信守诺、专业负责、尊重客户、关注细节、结果导向、成人达己"的价值理念,我们设置了解客户需求、印证产品和过程是否满足需求的客户调研系统;我们围绕客户心灵成长、学校申请、职业规划、就业发展等需求,甄别和整合国内外优秀的教育资源,精选和设计符合客户需求的各种产品;我们结合和运用科技手段,构建一套责任明确,平衡效率和质量的内部流程体系;我们充分尊重客户的知情权和参与权,在信息公开透明的同时,保证每个阶段向客户提供相关的报告,提供看得见的留学定制服务。为了实现这样的服务承诺,对内,我们倡导"公开透明、敬畏规则、团队合作、尊重个性、拥抱变化、创新求是"的价值理念,构建业内最优秀的人才培养和发展体系,辅之相关的薪酬激励体系,使员工在专业度、责任感、稳定性方面成为行业顶尖。 对客户通过透明个性的服务,对员工通过系统科学的指引,目的只为了做一个有温度的企业,让世界遇见更好的你!