Dreamfly Productions is a full-service, innovative production facility with over ten years of experience and leadership in the broadcast industry. Whether it be a full scale marketing campaign, corporate video, feature film, commercial, music video, high definition graphics package, or shooting your sons football game, we treat every project equally. Our award winning producers and editors listen to what you want. Our clientele list and demo reel speaks for itself.We are a woman-owned business.Dreamfly Talent Management was founded in 2009 in response to the growing number of film and television professionals living and working in North Texas. Through the production side of Dreamfly, we have encountered many talented actors, directors and writers, a few of which approached us about serving in a management capacity. We have an original approach and are committed to helping local-based talent gain a greater presence in film and television as more and more productions are coming to the area. We see a great opportunity to assemble professionals with the common goal of establishing North Texas as an industry hotbed for first-rate collaborative and visionary filmmaking.