With our accumulated experience of: playing professional AFL football, building Australia largest beauty booking platform, being a stage presenter , managing field sales teams, kissing drakes cousin :kissing_heart:, launching the Australian arm of a billion-dollar food tech company :tomato:, winning a pride of Australia medal, catching many fish :fishing_pole_and_fish:... literally and metaphorically, being an all American college football player :football:, being a heart ninja :broken_heart:, coming from 3 nationalities, having lived in 9 cities the 3 of us have a few major commonalities:- We don't mess around- We execute- We gunsling- We tell it how it isWe modernise, systemise and duplicate your talent to get compounding outputs from the same input. We believe in results not reasons, no bullshit but plenty of fun. We swear in the boardroom, we get shit done, and when you thought we couldn't possibly throw another one-liner into this paragraph...... think again, try us.... give us your money.... why??? Coz the juice is worth the squeeze.