A Safe Haven a pioneer in the field of social business enterprise is a vertically integrated eco-system that helps people aspire, transform, and sustain their lives from homelessness to self-sufficiency with pride and purpose. A Safe Haven provides the tools for each individual to overcome the root causes of homelessness through a holistic, scalable model. A Safe Haven's visible social and economic impact empowers and unites families, stabilizes neighborhoods, and creates vibrant, viable communities.A Safe Haven has modeled our programs to assist people with treatment, education, life skills, employment training, job placement and access to permanent affordable and/or senior housing. To date, A Safe Haven's team of professionals have helped over 100,000 homeless individuals reach sustainable self-sufficiency.A Safe Haven's award winning, scalable model is featured as a 'best practice' by many types of stakeholders from academia, policy, business, and media organizations from around the world as a a leading viable and cost effective and scalable alternative to addressing and solving the issue of poverty in a sustainable manner.