All4learn aspires to be a global online education hosting provider, where demand meets supply instantly. With innovative idea and technology system, the comprehensive platform All4learn is designed to break boundaries of time and space.All4learn differentiates itself to other online educational platforms by introducing an integrated, ground-breaking "one stop shop" hosting and broadcasting infrastructure for tutorial and educational groups. It enables customization of school page, safe payment system, seamless experience and exploration to new course provider, flexible options across live and recorded lessons with materials distribution. The platform is here to serve business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C) and consumer to consumer (C2C) relationships and their needs.Education has never been so affordable and accessible. By sharing the new artificial intelligence (AI) technology, it is believed to bridge technology and knowledge gap. All4learn is passionate to build a global online education community - be it about simply hobbies or certified knowledge - it creates the vast pool for advanced educational materials, encourages further learning, and connects people all around the globe.