English Dept. Chair, Director of Upper School Outdoor Education, Coach
Third Grade Teacher/Language Arts Coordinator/Diversity-Inclusion Coordinator
Holland Hall is Tulsa's PreK through Grade 12 Independent Episcopal School. We offer an ambitious curriculum, an extensive array of exciting electives, dozens of individual and team sports, transformative arts programming, and an apprenticeship in self-reliance. Our student/teacher ratio of 9:1 means your child's teachers truly know who they are and where their strengths and passions lie. Located on a beautiful 162-acre campus, Holland Hall provides a lively and uncommonly kind community that honors the individual integrity of each child while providing the bedrock education every student needs to succeed in college, work, and the world beyond.By the Numbers:• Out of 4-year high schools in Oklahoma, Holland Hall has the highest SAT scores with an average of 1366 (1600 scale) and the highest ACT scores with an average of 27.2.• 10 to 20% of the senior class is recognized in the National Merit program – that's the highest percentage out of 4-year high schools in Oklahoma.• 90% of our students who take an AP exam earn 3 or above.• Holland Hall is the only Cum Laude Society School in Tulsa and one of only three Cum Laude Society schools in Oklahoma. Having a Cum Laude Society chapter is seen by colleges as the most critical mark of academic excellence.• Holland Hall's student-teacher ratio is 9:1, and on average there are 25 seniors per full-time college counselor.• 70% of the Upper School faculty has an advanced degree, including 5 doctorates.• In the Upper School, Holland Hall offers 62 different art courses and over 17 different sports teams.Mission Statement:Holland Hall provides a challenging, comprehensive educational experience grounded in a rigorous liberal arts, college preparatory curriculum that promotes critical thinking and life-long learning. A PreK-12 Episcopal school, we seek to foster in each student a strong moral foundation and a deep sense of social responsibility.