JN Consulting provides the building industry with the intelligence they need to complete projects successfully. We work closely with consulting civil engineers, architects and contractors as a means of building strong foundations in our industry and for our projects. As specialists in determining exactly what you need to make a building project successful our quantity surveyor duties and responsibilities mean we act as the financial consultants of the construction industry.We are a B-BBEE Level 4 company and all members of our team are registered as Professional Quantity Surveyors with the Association of South African Quantity Surveyors (Practice number F1794) and Professional members of South African Council of Quantity Surveyors & RICS (Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors). As members of the above-mentioned associations we comply with a code of professional conduct which regards the public's interest and safety at all times.Our passion for excellent service and duty to the public means that we are the project planners for construction projects. From the ground up we calculate what is necessary in order to complete this in time and within budget.At JN Consulting we know that a building is a sum of its parts and without a calculated plan this sum will fall short of what is considered successful building. For successful building projects, meticulous planning takes place to ensure it meets all the standards of building surveying practice while exceeding expectations.We see the future of our profession and the industry as our duty and are obligated to prepare it for the future. JN Consulting employs 2-3 Quantity Surveying students regularly. This way we can share our knowledge and experience with the future success stories of Quantity Surveying to safeguard the future of students entering the world as members of the building industry. This is integral to JN Consulting's working environment and our ardent responsibility to both our country and profession.