Santa Fe Metropolitan Area - Business Development Account Manager
Improving human safety, performance, potential andproductivity is a key set of benefits every industry seeks toachieve. Technology combined with human creativity andskill can attain new heights by eliminating preventableimpairments, distractions and stress; while increasingoverall physical and mental health, wellness, strength andfocus.In a world where population growth is expanding, agingindividuals are increasing in number, chronic conditionsare rapidly impacting more global citizens, and infectiousdiseases are becoming more disruptive, ElectronicCaregiver innovations are the path to delivering improvedcare and outcomes with greater speed, accuracy, accessand scale.The health industry is transitioning from acute tochronic, from episodic to continuous, from centralizedto decentralized, and from institutionally focused toconsumer focused. Electronic Caregiver has designedsolutions to meet the global wellness needs of healthcare,insurers, governments, corporations, education, and mostimportantly, a human race that's poised to thrive.