Simple. Reliable. Wireless monitoring.In today's tough economic environment, plant operators face many challenges. Increased profitability, fewer un-planned outages, decreased energy use while operating longer with increased plant operating efficiency. Most important of all: do this with fewer people.R3 Sensors understands these demands. We also understand how to leverage the power of the new wireless technology to meet these demands today. Our team—with over 45 years experience in wireless, electronics and industrial product solutions—created e-Guard™.Our patent-pending e-Guard™ product line delivers on the promise of wireless monitoring with simple, effective monitoring sensors. The e-Guard™ sensors enable equipment health or environmental monitoring, energy savings strategies, and process optimization.Our unique e-Guard™ technology introduces: Plug–and-play to industrial monitoring. Pervasive monitoring with lower cost, ubiquitous sensors. System Compatibility with sensoring reporting to any host system using the standardized ISA100.11a network Fewer man-hours Longer uptime Increased plant profitability