Functional Medicine, is a blend of internal medicine and naturopathic medicine. The biggest difference is that Functional Medicine looks at the root cause, which can cause many conditions.Dr. Muran's goal is to guide the patients epigenetics to influence the body, mind and spirit to transcribe the DNA response to health and well being. This is personalized medicine working at the cellular communication level of our bodies. Since 1995, Dr. Muran has grasped the depth and complexity of this type of treatment. He looks at the individual from childhood to present and puts together the hidden pieces to give a picture of their current health while designing a pathway whereby health improvement can occur. The course of treatment is followed by improvement of signs and symptoms accompanied by improvement of laboratory markers. Based in science and supported by the current international literature, patients following the requested treatment will in most cases show marked improvement within a month.An in depth and understanding approach to disease stems from Dr. Muran's personal experience. Dr. Muran has personally experience quite a few ailments including ulcerative colitis, which was mostly stressed and diet induced; Lyme disease, in a region where Lyme disease was not accepted by the medical community; a heart attack, caused by blockage three major coronary arteries; and colon cancer, which originated from colitis. Thankfully today Dr. Muran is currently trim and healthy at 185 pounds and does cardiovascular exercise routinely with no symptoms from the above ailments. The remedies of Dr. Muran's personal struggles were refined and has ultimately helped his patients. Experiencing the problems personally has made a big difference for Dr. Muran in understanding the emotional stress that goes along with the disease process and the empathy that he shares with his patients.