Jacob Nates

Product Operations and Implementation at Dispel - New York, NY, US

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New York, NY, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Dispel is a remote access tool, connecting operators to their networks. We have three goals: simplicity, security, and speed.Trusted by companies in: Utilities, Water, Energy, ManufacturingWhy they came to us:"I need to provide access to contractors, but don't trust them""My corporate offices need to access the remote plants, but I needed to maintain real segmentation between those networks""My previous system was difficult to administrate""My operator connection time was too slow"Why they like us:For the administrator: stupid easy administration, with same-day implementationFor the operator: connection time is 30 seconds, not 300 secondsFor the security team: https://dispel.io/securityStill reading? Here's all the details: https://dispel.ioAlternatively, if you're just bored, here's what our team is currently nerding out over: https:/dispel.io/blog

Remote Access Critical Infrastructure Security Cybersecurity Moving Target Defense Network Security VPN SCADA Network Access Security Software Encryption Industrial Machinery and Components Software High Tech Software Business Management Software Security Management Software Secure Remote Access Gartner Cool Vendor Forrester New Wave Leader Incident Response/Disaster Recovery Network Access Network Segmentation SD-WAN Critical System Protection
Details about Dispel
Frequently Asked Questions about Jacob Nates
Jacob Nates currently works for Dispel.
Jacob Nates's role at Dispel is Product Operations and Implementation.
Jacob Nates's email address is ***@dispel.io. To view Jacob Nates's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jacob Nates works in the Computer & Network Security industry.
Jacob Nates's phone number is
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