First 2000 Days Service Coordinator at Tresillian Family Care Centres - Belmore, NSW, AU
Tresillian is a non-for-profit organisation that assists close to 80,000 Australian families in the early years of their child's life. The Tresillian service offers families struggling with a baby, toddler or pre- schooler, advice, education & support from child & family health nurses & allied health professionals. We help parents gain confidence in their new roles as mums & dads & teach new parents about routines in breastfeeding, sleep, settling & nutrition.Tresillian has 16 Family Care Centres across New South Wales, Victoria and the ACT NSW, with around 240 staff, mostly nurses, providing both statewide & Local Health District services.Services include:• Residential Inpatient Units at Canterbury, Willoughby & Nepean with a total of 84 beds (for both parents & their babies). Residential stays are 4 nights/5 days.• Day Stay Units at Canterbury, Wollstonecraft & Nepean where parents visit for the day with their baby, for face-to face-counselling & advice.• Outreach Services (Home Visiting) at Canterbury & Wollstonecraft offering a service to families in the Inner West & the Lower North Shore of Sydney.• A Parent's Help Line (from 7am to 11pm),1300 2 PARENT (1300 272 736) used by parents throughout Australia & overseas. This free service offers practical parenting advice as well as emotional support for parents with small children.• offers a range of information for parents & a referral pathway for health professionals.• Parenting groups are facilitated by experienced staff (nurses, social workers & psychologists) for parents in the community & at residential services. These programs are designed to improve family functioning, promote self-care & an understanding of childhood development.