The Jefferson County Memorial Project is a grassroots coalition that will memorialize victims of racial terror violence within Jefferson County, Alabama and expand our county's understanding of past and present issues of racial injustice. We are in the process of becoming a division of Greater Birmingham Ministries. We are governed by a Core Committee and composed of over 45 community partners and a multi-racial, multi-faith, multi-sector, and multi-generational group of committed volunteers fueling the work of eight standing subcommittees. Together, we will complete the four goals of JCMP:1. Research and work with descendants of the victims of Jefferson County lynchings2. Educate the public on the importance of this history and its connections to current racial injustices 3. Place Jefferson County's monument from the National Memorial to Peace and Justice and establish historical markers throughout the county4. Advocate to redress inequalities in our justice system created by the legacies of racial violence Taken together, the activities in these four target areas and our volunteer committees will help retell the history of Jefferson County to more adequately give all communities an equal platform for their stories to be heard. It is our hope that these four steps will show how Alabamians will confront our history and reconcile for our future.