Jadiel Caetano

Vigilante at Construtora Sucesso S.A. - (Grupo Claudino S.A.) - Teresina, Piauí, Brazil

Jadiel Caetano's Contact Details
+55 86 3216-2400
State of Maranhão,Brazil
Construtora Sucesso S.A. - (Grupo Claudino S.A.)
Jadiel Caetano's Company Details
Construtora Sucesso S.A. - (Grupo Claudino S.A.) logo, Construtora Sucesso S.A. - (Grupo Claudino S.A.) contact details

Construtora Sucesso S.A. - (Grupo Claudino S.A.)

Teresina, Piauí, Brazil • 130 Employees

Established in 1980 by Grupo Claudino S.A., Construtora Sucesso has grown into an important engineering company in the North and Northeast of the country, with nationwide clients.After three decades, the Company's portfolio includes motorways, bridges, thermoelectric power plants, transmission lines, sanitation and water works, wind farms, shopping malls, commercial and residential buildings, airports and industrial facilities. Regardless of their size or purpose, Construtora Sucesso's projects bear the hallmark of excellence.Our headquarters are located in the city of Teresina, PI, Brazil. While the Company maintains strong ties with its State of origin, it has grown substantially beyond the regional borders. Sucesso does business throughout Brazil, and constantly tries to link its expertise with the best technologies and talents wherever it operates.The company is constantly investing in management tools and training its professionals. Its HOSAS 18001, ISO 9001 Quality Management System and PBQP-H certification (Brazilian Housing Quality and Productivity Program) is proof of its solid principles and the quality of its performance.Sucesso is also proud of its strong client relationships, and strives to come up with the best solutions for each project. Its commitment to community development and environmental awareness are also a vital part of its day-to-day values.

Details about Construtora Sucesso S.A. - (Grupo Claudino S.A.)
Frequently Asked Questions about Jadiel Caetano
Jadiel Caetano currently works for Construtora Sucesso S.A. - (Grupo Claudino S.A.).
Jadiel Caetano's role at Construtora Sucesso S.A. - (Grupo Claudino S.A.) is Vigilante.
Jadiel Caetano's email address is ***@construtorasucesso.com.br. To view Jadiel Caetano's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jadiel Caetano works in the Construction industry.
Jadiel Caetano's colleagues at Construtora Sucesso S.A. - (Grupo Claudino S.A.) are Marcelinho Macedo, Francisco Junior, Yan Porto, Lazaro Dias, Rubem Soares, Karlyane Oliveira, Eli Silva and others.
Jadiel Caetano's phone number is +55 86 3216-2400
See more information about Jadiel Caetano