Encouraging appreciation.What is Mention It?Mention It is a simple, quick way to let others know that you notice what they do each day to support your organization. The iPhone/iPad app enables you to send short, positive messages praising others' efforts and to highlight what value they have demonstrated. The app can be customized to include organizational values as well.Why Mention It?Positively recognizing others improves performance [1], productivity and engagement [2], reinforces learning and lets people know that their contribution matters [3].1 http://blogs.hbr.org/schwartz/2012/01/why-appreciation-matters-so-mu.html2 http://businessjournal.gallup.com/content/146996/Employees-Need-Know.aspx?ref=more 3 http://businessjournal.gallup.com/content/25369/praise-praising-your-employees.aspx