Jaffer Ahmed

Accountant at Marmar Holding Co. - Dammam, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia

Jaffer Ahmed's Contact Details
Saudi Arabia
Marmar Holding Co.
Jaffer Ahmed's Company Details
Marmar Holding Co. logo, Marmar Holding Co. contact details

Marmar Holding Co.

Dammam, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia • 19 Employees
Building Materials

The company was founded in 1973 ADBegan its main activity in the sale of the basics of building materials and then turned into an individual institution in the trading and sale of building materials and sanitary ware. During the year 1933 AD agency got factory RAK, United Arab Emirates, North Eastern Province and is the factory of the largest factories and production of ceramic materials and sanitary ware in the world.With the expansion of the volume of work in the company is rapidly turning entity to the General Partnership Foundation in 1996 for trade and sale and marketing of building materials and sanitary ware. .Then it turned into a limited liability company in 2004 and in 2012 turned into "of Mmar Holding Company" closed joint stock company and the company is today a leading company in the trade of ceramic sanitary ware Uk level.

Details about Marmar Holding Co.
Frequently Asked Questions about Jaffer Ahmed
Jaffer Ahmed currently works for Marmar Holding Co..
Jaffer Ahmed's role at Marmar Holding Co. is Accountant.
Jaffer Ahmed's email address is ***@marmar.com.sa. To view Jaffer Ahmed's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jaffer Ahmed works in the Building Materials industry.
Jaffer Ahmed's colleagues at Marmar Holding Co. are Ahmed Rabea, Abbas Alsaffar, Hany Elgamal, Ulya Liden, Hussain Ali, Ahmed Ahmed and others.
Jaffer Ahmed's phone number is
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