It is our company's policy to manufacture and market all the Optical goods, which comply with the customer's needs and the designer's specifications. As a supplier it is our policy to ensure that the supplies adhere to contractual specifications and satisfy the customer in terms of consistent quality and timely delivery. Quality means fitness for the intended It is our company's policy to manufacture and market all the Optical goods, which comply with the customer's needs and the designer's specifications. As a supplier it is our policy to ensure that the supplies adhere to contractual specifications and satisfy the customer in terms of consistent quality and timely delivery. Quality means fitness for the intended purpose in all aspects of the company's activities. The company will strive to meet the needs of its customers through a continuous process of quality improvement. The quality system is designed to ensure the maintenance of the product quality standard through the evaluation, inspection and verification of process at all stages of manufacture.purpose in all aspects of the company's activities. The company will strive to meet the needs of its customers through a continuous process of quality improvement. The quality system is designed to ensure the maintenance of the product quality standard through the evaluation, inspection and verification of process at all stages of manufacture.