We empower youth by providing opportunities through innovative and therapeutic programs to help them see past their limitations and lead full lives.A father, frustrated with the standard of care for his autistic son, knew there had to be a better way to support his son's development and he wanted to be a part of that change. Founder, Jai Reddy, an entrepreneur at heart, made a leap of faith and purchased an old church building in Ferndale and converted it into a therapeutic, recreation and teaching center for children of all abilities. Founded in 2017, LifeLab Kids (LLK) is a non-profit organization who's model is based on what all of us need - to stay healthy, active, and to be a part of a community. Staying physically and mentally ‘fit' can be a challenge for everyone, especially for those with special needs. The priority and focus at LifeLab Kids is both physical and mental well-being. Since its inception, LLK's unique clinical facility affords the unity of three disciplines: Physical, Mental, and Behavioral programs all under one roof. Unlike other centers, LLK's innovative formula is the integration of interventions in music, art, recreation/physical, speech, feeding, occupational, boxing, nutrition, life skills, behavioral, and technology/virtual reality; for a whole child approach.We have created a place where children and their families finally feel like they belong. Whether there is a diagnosis or not, insurance coverage or cash-pay; families can find solace knowing there is a place for them here with us! We serve youth within Metro Detroit between the ages of 18 months and 26 years with developmental delays, autism, down syndrome, mood disorders, social anxiety, ADD/ADHD and other learning disabilities.