Creator & Owner- Employing Broker at SHIFT - (Residential Relocations) - Greenwood Village, Colorado, United States
INNOVATIVE - INTUITIVE - INCLUSIVEOur heart is in everything we do. We came together to fill the need for businesses wanting to offer relocation services without requiring a formal relocation program.Whether your company is transferring an associate across town or the country, we are your source. Not only do we handle the sale and purchase of homes,* we go above and beyond to make the transition seamless.SHIFT was the brainchild of a prominent Denver-based real estate broker with a broad knowledge of the industry, international travel, and relocations. In developing her program, she wanted to surround herself with professionals who provide the same high touch, high tech service and were like-minded in caring for clients.As an expression our values, SHIFT contributes a percentage of net proceeds to causes that will improve the lives of those in need. We also recognize the importance of a company's desire to help their causes, and we are open to support a charity of your choice** when you are part of our relocation services.*SHIFT does not provide corporate buyouts of real estate.**Charity of choice must not discriminate toward minority groups or religions.