Jaime Gorrell

Gift Shop/Rental Coordinator at Western Museum of Mining and Industry - , Colorado, United States

Jaime Gorrell's Contact Details
Colorado Springs,Colorado,United States
Western Museum of Mining and Industry
Jaime Gorrell's Company Details
Western Museum of Mining and Industry logo, Western Museum of Mining and Industry contact details

Western Museum of Mining and Industry

, Colorado, United States • 1 - 10 Employees
Museums and Institutions

Established in 1970, the Western Museum of Mining and Industry is a private nonprofit. Our mission is to preserve and interpret the rich mining history of Colorado and the American West. Unique to the museum is the actual operation of its carefully restored multi-ton steam engines and mining machines. The emphasis of the museum's collections is on the technology and technological history of mining and metallurgy, as well as the social history. Over 4,000 artifacts are on display at the 27-acre indoor/outdoor exhibit site. The entire exhibit complex is an exciting and exceptional tool for learning about Colorado history, mining and industrial technology, geology, and the environment. The site includes one of the few operational stamp mills in the United States, a functioning blacksmith shop, and two BLM rescue burros--Nugget and Chism--who are themselves an interactive exhibit. WMMI offers two changing exhibits annually (Feb-May and Sep-Dec), hosts the Pike's Peak Gem & Mineral Show (June), a family fall harvest festival (Oct), as well as lectures and other programs. Because of its small professional staff, WMMI also relies on its members, student interns, and volunteers to successfully bring its mission to the visiting public.Contact the museum if you are interested in assisting WMMI.

Details about Western Museum of Mining and Industry
Frequently Asked Questions about Jaime Gorrell
Jaime Gorrell currently works for Western Museum of Mining and Industry.
Jaime Gorrell's role at Western Museum of Mining and Industry is Gift Shop/Rental Coordinator.
Jaime Gorrell's email address is ***@wmmi.org. To view Jaime Gorrell's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jaime Gorrell works in the Museums & Institutions industry.
Jaime Gorrell's colleagues at Western Museum of Mining and Industry are Rick Sauers, Grant Dewey, Christopher Darrow, Christine Nestlerode, Ashley Collins, Andrew Davis and others.
Jaime Gorrell's phone number is
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