Jake Bolek

Airport maintanace at City of Manhattan, Kansas - Manhattan, Kansas, US

Jake Bolek's Contact Details
(785) 587-2404
City of Manhattan, Kansas
Jake Bolek's Company Details
City of Manhattan, Kansas logo, City of Manhattan, Kansas contact details

City of Manhattan, Kansas

Manhattan, Kansas, US • 250 - 499 Employees

The mission of the City of Manhattan, Kansas, is to sustain order and protect public safety, promote public health, preserve the built environment, and enhance economic vitality. The City supports a regional community in which individuals and families develop and thrive. The City is governed by a commission-manager form of government, with five commissioners serving at-large terms. Nine departments provide municipal service to the more than 50,000 residents of Manhattan. Those include Manhattan Regional Airport, City Manager's Office, Community Development, Finance, Human Resources, Legal, Manhattan Fire Department, Parks and Recreation, and Public Works. Manhattan is home to Kansas State University; is located just east of Fort Riley, an Army base home to the Big Red One; and is the future home of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility. The City of Manhattan offers a variety of job opportunities in the Flint Hills of Kansas. View the latest job postings at http://cityofmhk.com/jobs.aspx. Comment Policy: http://bit.ly/29Af6JB

City Management Sustainable City Public Works Community Development Programs Sustainable Infrastructure Smart City Public Health Care
Details about City of Manhattan, Kansas
Frequently Asked Questions about Jake Bolek
Jake Bolek currently works for City of Manhattan, Kansas.
Jake Bolek's role at City of Manhattan, Kansas is Airport maintanace.
Jake Bolek's email address is ***@cityofmhk.com. To view Jake Bolek's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jake Bolek works in the Government industry.
Jake Bolek's colleagues at City of Manhattan, Kansas are Patrick Sutherland, Heath Littrell, Matt Crubel, Devan Winterbauer, Janelle Compagnone, Jason Cook, Roscoe Lowe and others.
Jake Bolek's phone number is ["+17852508147","+17852505012","+19787291729","+13368852642","+13182267368","+19702231688","+1970407
See more information about Jake Bolek