Lighting Learning is an online educational platform focused on making students' lives easier by providing quality content with an emphasis on brevity for many subjects found in the AP and Common Core curriculum.Lightning Learning brings dedication and passion to online education while helping to educate students in an efficient manner. In order to better educate our students, we hope to deliver resources for students to supplement and expound upon what they are learning in the classroom – and eventually, we aim to create a holistic, organic, high-school level curriculum that can stand on its own. With surveys indicating that most students are unhappy with the current situation involving the available resources that they have at their disposal outside of school, there is a dire need for a service like Lightning Learning to enter the market. Students will be more than willing to watch a few minutes of ads per use of the website if it means access to a service without the issues of misguidance and convolution plaguing its content. Our business model follows the advertising-supported revenue model in which the sale of advertising through platforms such as AdSense contributes to a majority of our revenue, backed up by a smaller portion of users electing to pay a monthly price for a premium version of our service without ads and "premium" content.