We develop a Science-Fiction univers named "Hoshikaze 2250", in a Community of Creation, under a non-for-profit associative status. The universe itself is set in year 2250 and includes 6 main spacegoing species, from which dozens of states are vying for power among thousands of stellar systems and hundreds of inhabited planets. As a setting, it blends the glittering of Space-Opera with more nitty-grittty Hard-Science. As of mid-2016, we already have published 3 short stories books and one novel, with a second one planned for end of 2016. We develop an Elite-like and EV-like videogame, based on the open-source project NAEV, which is in playable alpha : the basics are set and the game is playable, allowing much exploration, interaction and fun, but much universe content is lacking. We just opened a Spreadshirt shop for showing the many artworks our illustrators have contributed to the project. The first art on line are beauty shots of spaceships from the videogame, then we intend to add other contributions, such as chara or mecha designs and up to full scene paintings. We also work on a comic book, planned for end of 2017, a paperback RPG and a boardgame, for which there is currently no due date. At the core of the project lies a wiki encyclopedia hosted on our internet site http://hoshikaze.net. All this makes our project a fundamentally cross-media, universe-based achievement.