Jalissa Metsemakers

Fotograaf / Grafisch vormgever at Clayre & Eef - Haelen, Limburg, Netherlands

Jalissa Metsemakers's Colleagues at Clayre & Eef
Stan Peeters

Stagiair Bedrijfskunde

Contact Stan Peeters

Daphne Driessen

Commercieel medewerker binnendienst

Contact Daphne Driessen

Petra Dijk

Financieel administratief medewerker

Contact Petra Dijk

Stijn Helden

Head of sales & e-commerce

Contact Stijn Helden

View All Jalissa Metsemakers's Colleagues
Jalissa Metsemakers's Contact Details
+31(0)475 571 722
Clayre & Eef
Jalissa Metsemakers's Company Details
Clayre & Eef logo, Clayre & Eef contact details

Clayre & Eef

Haelen, Limburg, Netherlands • 29 Employees

Family businessIn 1994 two brothers followed their parents footsteps and began a wholesale in home textiles under the name ‘van Cleef'. The constriction of the two first names of their children was changed in 2005 to the current corporate and brand name ‘Clayre & Eef'. Over the years many acquaintances, friends and relatives joined the Clayre & Eef family. Nowadays more than 100 employees work for this family business with a lot of commitment and enthusiasm. Style inspired by country livingThe current Clayre & Eef collection has evolved into a complete range of home accessories that make a house a home. At the main office, the Clayre & Eef designs are mostly hand-drawn and painted in a charming, rustic atmosphere, which is typical for Clayre & Eef. This country and nostalgic Clayre & Eef style originated in the Limburg village Haelen, located in the beautiful countryside of Leudal and is characterized by a diversity of recognizable and romantic designs.

Details about Clayre & Eef
Frequently Asked Questions about Jalissa Metsemakers
Jalissa Metsemakers currently works for Clayre & Eef.
Jalissa Metsemakers's role at Clayre & Eef is Fotograaf / Grafisch vormgever.
Jalissa Metsemakers's email address is ***@clayre-eef.com. To view Jalissa Metsemakers's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Jalissa Metsemakers works in the Wholesale industry.
Jalissa Metsemakers's colleagues at Clayre & Eef are Stan Peeters, Yaro Bessems, Esther Oudendijk-Meijer, Daphne Driessen, Petra Dijk, Stijn Helden, Yara Fusers and others.
Jalissa Metsemakers's phone number is +31(0)475 571 722
See more information about Jalissa Metsemakers