The story starts with "Gamila" herself, her name "Gamila" means beauty in her languageGamila Secret is a 100% natural pure Skin Carea brand which is made from an exclusive Secretmixture composing of herbs and superiorcomplex oils beneficial in achieving healthy andbeautiful skin.Galilee: this Blessed land in the north of Israel is where ourolive trees are found. These trees are thousands ofyears old and are situated near the fields where ourplants and herbs are grown.Together these trees and fields form a unique areadisplaying the wondrous gifts from Mother Nature.Gamila mission: Everyone deserves to have a healthy and soft skin and maintaining the preservation of the right balance.In order to achieve this Gamila differentiates her products for each special part of the body.For each body part, there is the best combination of theingredients which are always based on Gamila's knowledge.Everything started with the Cleansing Bar which is also known as the ‘magic' soap.Gamila Secret Cleansing Bar is still prepared and made by hand.After a 40-hour cooking process, there is a drying period lasting between 4-6 months followed by stamping and curving of the edges of the soap by hand. The final result is a 100% natural cleansing bar possessing a unique soft structure which is suitable for all skin types."Everybody deserves a healthy & soft skin"Gamila Secret Oils: Contains a mixture of the purest plant oils & Gamila's Secret herbal formula, Quickly absorbed & penetrates deeply into the skin.Gamila Secret Creams:Natural Cream for all skin types with the purest oils and the Gamila Secret herbal mix.Absorbs quickly and doesn`t leave an oily layer on the skin.Makes your skin younger, healthier and softer.