Pilgrim Advisors LLC (Pilgrim) is a firm of seasoned professionals engaged in providing counsel to companies in transition. On the corporate "journey" to the desired future state management teams often encounter difficult, yet transient, problems that require the attention, or at least the temporary attention, of an experienced executive. Pilgrim's professionals are individuals who can bring their unique skills to bear on these problems. In short, we can advise, recommend or outright lead companies in their specific "journeys". Pilgrim's professionals can assist clients in a variety of problem areas, freeing management to address the "business of their business." The experience gained by members of Pilgrim over the years has taught us that the most problematic times for a firm are those periods of transition inevitably encountered by all companies. A company may need to address changes in its marketplace, regulatory requirements, financial and/or organizational restructuring, or new product innovation. In order to achieve their goals, the company must embark on a major change initiative to realign their IT portfolios and infrastructure with their new business processes. At Pilgrim, we have a proven track record of meeting these challenges.