James Faedtke

Assistant Program Coordinator at City of Evanston - Evanston, Illinois, US

James Faedtke's Contact Details
(847) 448-4311
City of Evanston
James Faedtke's Company Details
City of Evanston logo, City of Evanston contact details

City of Evanston

Evanston, Illinois, US • 622 Employees

Located just north of Chicago, Evanston has a stunning natural setting on Lake Michigan with unique business districts, attractive homes on tree-lined streets, and pleasant public parks. Home to Northwestern University, Evanston has a variety of excellent higher educational opportunities, as well as a successful public school system. Evanston is also home to the world headquarters of Rotary International. Rotary International is the world's first service club organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Evanston’s size and diversity make it a community unique on Chicago’s North Shore. With a population of about 75,000 people, Evanston is the 13th largest city in Illinois.

Higher Education Public Park Residential Area Public School Tree Lined Streets
Details about City of Evanston
Frequently Asked Questions about James Faedtke
James Faedtke currently works for City of Evanston.
James Faedtke's role at City of Evanston is Assistant Program Coordinator.
James Faedtke's email address is ***@cityofevanston.org. To view James Faedtke's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
James Faedtke works in the Government industry.
James Faedtke's colleagues at City of Evanston are Dolores Cortez, Jessica Surma, Deanna Howlett, Raven Rumbolt-Lemond, Dennis Ceplecha, David Stoneback, Sean 'O''Brien' and others.
James Faedtke's phone number is (847) 448-4311
See more information about James Faedtke