IPG Commercial (IPG) specializes in commercial industrial property sales and leasing. We serve property sellers and buyers and landlords and tenants, utilizing experience, knowledge, technology, and creativity. IPG provides premier commercial real estate sales and leasing services for industrial, investment, as well as land acquisition and disposition services. IPG is focused on high levels of customer care and responsiveness. We deliver outstanding results for our clients as demonstrated by our affiliation with SIOR (Society for Industrial and Office Realtors), which is limited to the top 1% of brokerage professionals in the world, along with our designation as CCIM's (Certified Commercial Investment Member) , which is limited to 5% of brokerage professionals in the world. Demonstrating our leadership in sustainability, IPG was the first commercial real estate firm in Utah to join the United States Green Building Council and obtain LEED Accreditation in 2006. We understand sustainable strategies and can demonstrate how to use these methods in your building. The results include increased cash flow, higher return on investment, and maximization of capitalized value. Our real estate brokerage clients include international, national, and regional, owner/investors and occupiers of properties located in Utah, the Intermountain region, and across the United States.