VidClx delivers interactive video content of any type, to all players, over any network, powering a unique home entertainment experience for consumers, while creating a vital means of monetizing digital media across all distribution channels.Interactive, clickable video is the revolutionary force driving a seismic shakeup in the media world.Already on the Internet, fast arriving on TV and mobile devices, it engages today's empowered consumers in a whole new way. People are watching more video than ever - on dozens of websites, using multiple video players. They watch on TV, iPhones, game boxes… What producers, publishers and advertisers need is a way to deliver their interactive message consistently everywhere a video is playing. So that they can monetize the entire life cycle of the video. VidClx delivers that. VidClx transcends the current model of interactive content that is chained to a particular video or tied to a specific video player, device or platform. Instead, we track all versions of the video and deliver your interactive message to it - whatever player, device or platform it's playing on. Whether it's full length or a clip on an online community.What does this mean for you? Freedom to deliver your interactive offer – whether clickable product placement or dynamically-inserted content – everywhere today's consumers are watching. Seamlessly. Through a single service. Interactive anywhere, anytime.