Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research - , Taipei City, Taiwan
Taiwan Institute for Governance and Communication Research (TIGCR) is funded by "Higher Education Sprout Project's Part Two: The Feature Areas Research Center Program", which appertain to the Ministry of Education.In order to pursue the achievement of the TIGCR's mission on "Political attitude,Policy-making and Governance Communication in Taiwan", we have been striving to-wards the innovative construction of data archive. The data archive includes the citizen's panel survey data through Face-to-Face interview, the government bureaucrats' panel survey data through online survey, with assistance of telephone interview and mobile survey app.To understand the perspective of democratic governance, our institute focuses on investigating several aspects of political communication: the political attitude formation and distribution of government bureaucrats and Taiwan citizens, the detection of latent public opinion, the impact of digital technology on public attitudeand behavior (e.g. fake news), the interaction between the communication model of political and economic information and political attitude (i.e. echo chambers).TIGCR is putting its full effort on the achievement of the academic research, which is applied on the policy-making and political communication of national issues and alleviating the polarization of the political attitude and opinion, in favor of boosting the sustainable development and good governance.