Sales And Marketing Specialist at UNITED STATES ANTENNA PRODUCTS, L.L.C. - Ballenger Creek, MD, US
United States Antenna Products, LLC has a wide range of antennas with a fifty year history of proven performance in the military, government and commercial sectors. Our products range from Rotating Log Periodic Antennas to Roof Top NVIS antennas to High Sensitivity Receive Loop Systems.USAP products are all designed and manufactured for long term service under rugged service around the world. Our manufacturing and test facilities are located in Frederick, Maryland.Our rotator control systems employ state of the art technology, and allow antenna control from anywhere in the world where you have a secure internet connection. We also provide integrated turnkey services that others cannot. We can evaluate your needs, build your system, and completely design and perform the installation of your system.We are the only HF antenna manufacturer that will not charge you extra for phone service or soft or hard copies of manuals or software for your purchased systems.Our core business is such that we can offer dedicated personalized service that cannot be obtained elsewhere.