Technical Development Coach at Quick Touch Soccer Development (QTSD©) - Westerville, OH, US
Quick Touch Soccer Development (QTSD©) is Columbus, Ohio's premier individual & team training company. We develop QUICK, CREATIVE & CONFIDENT soccer players & teams! Period.We offer the following training options:• Small group & partner• Advanced team training• Club and high school pre-season training• Clinics, camps, and programs• Individual trainingOne of the biggest problems facing players and coaches alike is the development AND application of skills at an individual level of understanding. Many players learn exercises through "typical" soccer drills, only to revert back to bad habits as soon as they step on the field. Where is the missing link from training to gameplay? Additionally, can team coaches afford to take the time to train individuals during the season when team tactics and techniques must be developed as well?This is where Quick Touch Soccer Development steps in! Through the application of our "Quick Touch" training system, not only are players taught the proper way to develop, but more importantly how to understand the actual application needed in games!At QTSD©, we love soccer; the beauty and intricacy of such a detailed, yet simple game. That is why we work so hard to instill proper technical skills AND understanding in every player that enrolls in our program. To ensure quality & consistency of our training, our coaches are FIFA and USC licensed as well as are required to complete our thorough QTSD© Certification Program. Additionally, each of our coaches has extensive backgrounds of coaching/ training players ages u4 through college+ as well as considerable experience coaching teams at the recreational, club, and high school level.